AP Party - For You - La Marina Info

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AP Party - For You

Local Information


(Agrupacion Popular) is the Independence party for San Fulgencio and the urbanisations. We are a group of multinational people already integral and significantly involved in the local community. For eight years we have been at the forefront of local politics.
Our forte is representing and defending the rights of individuals, animals, local communities, associations and businesses. We play an important role in local government, we stand up for what is right and we do not sit on the fence. We care about your local community and the local environment and our goal is to make the area a more attractive and better place to live. AP is a member of the Federacion de Partidos Independientes, a thirty strong group of independent political parties in the Valencia community (The Federation of Independent Political Parties). We believe that local interests can benefit from the strength and backing of the federation and help us to improve society.

TRANSPARENCY AND COMMUNICATION... Our aim is to regularly bring together local people, communities and associations, elected councillors and local service providers to assess individual and community requirements and deliver a better quality of life, also to implement new procedures and measures for the transfer of information to ensure that people of all nationalities are regularly informed of council projects and decisions.

EFFICIENCY AND COMPETENCE... We realise the importance of increasing the competence and efficiency of the administration in the Town Hall offices (the Ayuntamiento in San Fulgencio and the one in La Marina urbanisation). Currently the processing of license applications, queries, complaints, public services requests and documentation requests from local citizens and businesses involves too many paper pushers, and staff that evade responsibility. The system of administration will be simplified and streamlined to improve the overall management and effectiveness of each Town Hall and make staff accountable for their actions. Our mission is to reform local systems and personnel in order to improve relations with the public.

MISSION STATEMENT... Our primary mission is to involve local people in local affairs and to enrich their lives through cooperation and participation in the local community. Improving public services and regular interaction with local people; this will be the key in making the right decisions during the next administration.
We promise to govern with expediency and efficiency, to promote multiculturism, and to install new systems of communication to reach all citizens of all nationalities.  These will be the cornerstones of our contract with local citizens.

This independent web site is the only site that has a record of all the major council developments over the past 8 years
To support the AP party in the local election campaign, or for more information please email Mark Lewis: mlewis@lamarina.info

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